Thursday, June 16, 2022

Top 5 News Sources

I am not the type who checks the news every day, but I like to stay on top of current events. When I take the time to look for information, I check several different news sources and general information sites. I do this because most news sources have some inherent bias, especially with brand new stories that cause emotions to run high. 

CNN is a news source I check relatively often. I can't say this is entirely without some personal bias on my end, as their views line up closer to mine than other news sites, but I find that their information is usually accurate. I appreciate the variety of topics they cover and display on the front page, making it easier to find stories from all different categories.

Fox tends to have the opposite political leanings of CNN, so checking their website helps give me a more well-rounded view of events both news outlets have covered. Fox covers much more of the political stuff, so if I'm just looking for politics, this is a great website to check.
I use The Washington Post to supplement what I get from both CNN and Fox news. While leaning more towards CNN's views, Washington Post is somewhat closer to neutral and can provide factoids and perspectives that neither CNN nor Fox can give. 

If I'm looking for the most current possible events, I like to check Twitter. While highly opinionated and not the most accurate, Twitter usually talks of new events and issues before the news can launch an article or broadcast about them. It's also an excellent source for gathering the general public's feelings and opinions of the general public since the ordinary people who use Twitter don't have the professional filter most news websites have.

Instagram is not where I get most of my news, but it has similar benefits as Twitter. It's an excellent source for gathering opinions and seeing how the general public feels about an event. However, using Instagram purely for getting the facts is a bad idea, as the platform is somewhat overrun with misinformation. 

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