Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Blog Post 6: Anti-War


If you pick any random person off the street and ask whether they support wars, almost anyone you ask will say no. However, this doesn't mean they don't support veterans or respect active duty military, just that they don't support the act of war itself. Even with this being true, a lot of media makes it seem that anti-war is a minority stance.

Why is this the case, and why do you have to go out of your way to find anti-war news? Unfortunately, many outlets such as CNN or FOX don't cover anti-war stances. Governments can be very aggressive towards those who disagree with their actions in other countries and spin the narrative toward those who don't support war as though they don't support the government or the country as a whole. 

The damage that wars do is felt in the death toll and the economy of all countries involved. This is why so many people protest the wars, as they don't want their loved ones to die or to deal with the economic consequences. However, many people in government would prefer to fight these wars for the possible diplomatic opportunities or political control that they may get in the future if they've weakened an enemy.

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