Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Blog Post 9: AI

 Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been a staple of science fiction for many years. The idea that some jobs can be done by computer programs is not a new one, but it has just recently become a real possibility to see AI doing some jobs that were previously done by humans. Already we have seen AI that can beat even the most talented players at some games such as Go, and some self-driven cargo trucks are seeing use in California to haul freight. 

The rise of AI also brings up concerns surrounding privacy and safety. For example, China uses AI to enforce social credit programs that can instantly give you a fine via face ID for jaywalking or could prevent you from taking out loans or buying homes if your social credit is low. This program makes it much harder for people to have privacy since every move they make is watched and tracked, with the AI knowing precisely who's doing what, even in a large crowd. 

Other people argue that having AI can help improve national security due to its ability to identify people who have become threats. With AI's ability to recognize patterns, it could even catch people who were the most likely to be planning a mass shooting or a murder, preventing lots of death and devastation. It could also identify those who have committed crimes in public if the cameras were everywhere, creating fewer false accusations and reducing crime rates.

While the stated benefits are great, are they worth the loss of privacy? It depends on who you ask. Most Americans are horrified at AI surveillance's effects on privacy and would rather deal with the dangers of not having that protection than the loss of privacy. At the same time, those from other countries are more comfortable with it since it's the norm where they live.

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