Saturday, July 2, 2022

Post #3: Eight Values of Free Expression

Freedom of speech: The first amendment and one of the most meaningful freedoms the citizens of the USA have. The first amendment protects our right to express ourselves and our opinions without fear of repercussion, allowing us to have more meaningful conversations about the things that are important to us. The right to disagree with the government without fear of repercussions and violence will enable us to build a country that truly represents the people, not just one that works for the people who run it. 

The first amendment protects the freedom of several aspects of speech, from freedom of religion and freedom of innovation to the right to dissent. The importance of each cannot be understated, as they allow us to truly be individuals and express ourselves, our feelings, and our beliefs. While all are incredibly important, in the current day, I believe the most visible one is the right to protest, covered under Stable Change, AKA the safety valve.

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court made the incredibly controversial decision to overturn the 50-year-old case Roe Vs. Wade that guaranteed the people of this nation access to safe abortions and contraception. This decision has sparked anger, despair, and fear among many minority groups in the country. Overturning Roe may set a precedent for overturning similar cases, with some Court justices expressing a desire to reconsider and possibly remove Obergefell vs. Hodges, the decision that legalized same-sex marriage across the USA.

Stable Change protects the people who have gathered to protest the decision and protects them from being punished for their outrage. This also plays into our ability to self-govern since we're hoping to make a difference in how our country works by making our voices heard. These people who are protesting, screaming, and trying to fight for their rights to be restored or to remain need to be able to make themselves heard, as it both gets the point across and prevents violence from breaking out.

If people cannot be heard and cannot make themselves known by words alone, they're more likely to start taking action to force themselves to be heard. These actions commonly involve violence and physically fighting, creating an uproar to force their words to be heard.  The violent protests cause injury and death, so allowing people to yell and express their anger lowers the chance of those violent protests from breaking out, which is why this value is also called the "Safety Valve."

The right to dissent is one of the most visible of the eight values of free expression. We've seen this right excercised over the past several years as events in the country cause anger and fear, moving people to try and make a change via protest and action. I believe keeping this right intact and protected is the most important thing this country can do to keep our country truly free. If the citizens of a country are not free to speak their mind, then they are not actually free at all.

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