Saturday, July 2, 2022

Blog Post 2: SCOTUS

 Going into this assignment, I already knew a decent amount about the Supreme Court. I know that the Court can pick and review cases and decide what they really mean and whether or not they're consitiutional. However, I thought that the justices were simply chosen by the president, and I learned that the Senate is able to reject the president's decisicions if they feel that it's neccesary. I think that's really interesting as it's a direct example of checks and balances, since the president, in theory, wouldn't be able to just pack the court full of his own supporters and effectively keep control after his term in office. 

Through reading this article from the History Channel, I also learned that the amount of seats on the court has changed a lot throughout the years, with a lot of changes going anywhere from 5 to 10 seats up until 1869. I had no idea it had changed so often and had such a wide range of seat numbers, so I found this information interesting.

I think this article has given me a lot of interesing information about the supreme court. Having this new information will be helpful in discussions and give me some better background for why the supreme court is run the way it is. 

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